Download Debian
You can read about Debian on the projects website. There you also find a section where you download an ISO-image which you can use to install Debian in VirtualBox (or other hardware).
I choose to download their image which is adapted for installation via internet. It requires a connection to the internet but it is small and fast to download.
Since I plan to install the smallest version of Debian, I do not need a lot of packages or window handlers. So this is a quick and easy way to get started.
I choose from the download links under “Small CDs or USB sticks”. I choose amd64 in cases where I have a 64 bit machine. If I have a 32 bit machine then I choose the package i386.
VirtualBox will show you what options you have. In the worst case, you have to download both packages. Start with amd64 for 64-bit. If you can only install 32 bit, download i386 instead.
This is what it looks like when I do these steps.
#Revision history
- 2019-08-19: (A, lew) First edition.