THANK YOU FOR USING GLYPHICONS! If you would like to be among the first ones to hear about all the news, follow @glyphicons on Twitter. LICENSE: ------------------- GLYPHICONS FREE are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0). The Glyphicons FREE can be used both commercially and for personal use, but you must always add a link to in a prominent place (e.g. the footer of a website), include the CC-BY license and the reference to on every page using Glyphicons. Glyphicons Halflings are also a part of Bootstrap by Twitter, and are released under the same Apache 2.0 license as Bootstrap. While you are not required to include attribution on your Bootstrap-based projects, I'd certainly appreciate a visibile link back to in any place you find appropriate (footer, docs, etc). All logos and trademarks in social icons are the property of the respective trademark owners.® CONTACT: ------------------- Web: Email: Twitter: If you want to use the icons without restrictions, please buy any version on, thank you. Jan Kovařík